Advice for teenagers about navigating adolescence.

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1. Hey teens, have patience with the process. The teen years involve huge changes physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s normal to feel uncertain about your identity. Give yourself time and room to gradually figure out who you are.

2. Stay open-minded. Your interests, beliefs and sense of self may shift as you gain new perspectives and experiences. Avoid making permanent decisions too quickly. Explore different possibilities first.

3. Prioritize self-discovery. Now is a great time to get curious about your values, skills, passions and aspirations. Try new activities, make new friends, and ask big questions. Discovering what truly matters to you can help provide direction.

4. Resist peer pressure. There are strong social pressures on adolescents to conform. But you don’t have to follow the crowd or live up to others’ expectations. Embrace your authentic qualities.

5. Build self-awareness. Notice your emotions, thought patterns, motivations and insecurities. Having insight into yourself is enlightening.

6. View mistakes as lessons. You will inevitably stumble or make poor choices sometimes. That’s okay – don’t judge yourself harshly. Every mistake provides a valuable learning experience.

7. Seek out mentors. Having role models or counsellors who can provide guidance and perspective during this transition can be extremely helpful.

8. Trust the journey. Although the path seems uncertain now, if you remain true to yourself, you’ll discover amazing things about your potential.

The key is to use this time for honest self-exploration with patience and self-compassion. The turbulence of adolescence allows you to emerge with greater self-knowledge.

By: Calista Uzokwe 

From Teen To Grown: A Journey Through Adolescence 

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